Capitolworks: Just the Facts...6 Billion Towards the Opioid Crisis, What Will Congress Do?
Last week was a busy week for the federal government as both Congress and the Administration once again contemplated the opioid crisis....
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...DACA and the Balance of Power
Immigration reform is a never abating issue facing our federal and state governments. The terms themselves, “immigration reform," trigger...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Reality Test, Did Congress Actually Fund the Programs in the Last Bud
On Friday, February 9, Congress passed yet another Continuing Resolution (C.R.) to ensure that the government remains open. This most...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...A CR's Impact Beyond the Beltway
As discussed in our previous blog, continuing resolutions (CRs) are a legislative stop-gap measure that Congress can enact to keep the...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Legislative “Anomalies” Dictate Federal Policy in the Continuing Reso
Throughout Washington and across the Nation, continuing resolutions have been the center of discussion for many as they wonder...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Health Care Reform, Again: The Final Showdown
The fact that we are once again talking about health care reform is as surprising perhaps to you as it is to us! Like many, we assumed...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Lessons Learned
The month of August historically offers a reprieve from the intensity of a congressional session, and we hope that when the Senate leaves...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Final Vote or Just the Beginning?
As you probably know by now, on Tuesday afternoon, the Senate took up the “Motion to Proceed” to start debate on the health care bill....
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Vote Time?
We are once again in a state of waiting for the Senate health care bill. Over the weekend, Senate Leader McConnell said he would delay...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...In the Great Health Care Debate, Is It True that CHIP Will Keep Kids
Members of Congress have recently stated that the proposed reduction to the federal Medicaid program will not jeopardize the health and...