Capitolworks: Just the Facts...What’s Happening On The Turkish-Syrian Border And What U.S. Policies
Bear with us today as we are taking a detour away from domestic policy and towards U.S. foreign policy. While this is not within our...
Capitolworks: Just The Facts...Surprise Billing. What Is It, What Is Congress Trying To Do About It,
We have been reading and hearing a lot about "Surprise Billing" these days and imagine that you all have too. It is a topic that has...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts…The Public Charge Rule: What Is It, and Who Does It Affect?
Next week, the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “Public Charge” rule will go into effect. What is the Public Charge rule, and...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Going to War: Who Really Gets to Decide?
This afternoon the Senate will hold a floor debate on the Udall-Kaine-Merkley-Murphy-Paul-Lee amendment which would require Congressional...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...The Mueller Report: Who has Authority over What?
Over the past few weeks, you have probably been bombarded by news of the Special Counsel’s Report on the Investigation into Russian...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts (and an opinion)...Teen Suicide-why it's on the rise and thoughts o
Last week, several major news outlets featured headlines and articles on the dramatic rise of teen suicide. The reports contained...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...How Do Politics Effect DOJ's Defense of the ACA?
Over the last few weeks, you have undoubtedly heard about a lawsuit in Texas, Mr. Trump's positions on health care policy and the...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...The President’s Budget, Again.
With the President’s 2020 budget released just last week, we thought a brief review of the budgetary process and what the President's...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...How an Emergency Declaration to Build a Border Wall Continues the Ong
Some of you may be wondering why President Trump’s recent declaration of a national emergency to secure funding for the border wall...
Capitolworks: Just the Facts...Even with the passage of the recent omnibus budget bill, somehow it’s
Following months of debate, continuing resolutions, and a last-minute veto threat, Congress finally passed an omnibus appropriation bill...